Globally savvy with user settings that accommodate almost anywhere, SplashTravel performs beautifully look up a city, find out the current weather or the forecast for anyplace on the globe, and keep up with airline flight delays. Its converters cover anything youre likely to encounter worldwide.
SplashTravel Professional Edition, $49.95 includes a one-year subscription to SplashDatas web-based data services, required to enable airline information and currency exchange rates. Annual renewal is another $49.95. Seems like they ought to give a break after the initial purchase. A Standard version of the program is also available, without the online communication and updating, except for currency exchange rates, and without the annual fee. Things change. Area codes, currency rates, airline schedules. To get much use out of SplashTravels most useful features, you need the Pro version.
Overall, SplashTravel Pro seems like a great companion to take on a trip, even a short domestic one, but especially any journey that includes one or more foreign countries.
Though short on documentation and zip for help screens, it does its job, and will be as welcome in my Treo as my Victorinox Swiss Army Knife is in my camera bag. Make way, Paris! Look out, Montreal! And Hawaii, here I come! Or not.
Pros |
Currency converter melds with expenses log, allowing entries and totals in different currencies
Updated currency conversion factors (requires web access)
Nine specialized alarms with excellent repeat choices and time zone compensation
Nice clock
Good choice of features
Great lookup for airport codes, telephone area codes, country codes, and other info
Cons |
Calendar feature seems superfluous, and does not list appointments
A world map that fits on a two-inch screen is pretty, but nearly useless
Iconic menus are not very friendly � should be duplicated with text in pulldowns menus
No on-Treo help screens or any explanations at all
Pricey, since it requires an annual re-subscription |