We told you recently about our TreoCentral "Guess the Release Date" contest in which some lucky person will win a Treo 850 plus Extras. After some huge leaks, we found out that the Treo 850 was going to be called the Treo Pro. We didn't know when the the Treo Pro would be released or announced. Today we heard about Palm announcing the Treo Pro, plus we found out that it will be released in the "Fall".
But we also found out that the Treo Pro will be released unlocked,
but no word yet on whether or not AT&T will carry it. Which poses sort
of a situation with our contest details. We had said, "Register and post a reply to this post, guessing the exact date (just the date, not the time) the Treo 850 will be officially announced and released on AT&T."
So, it looks like we'll have to change that rule to:
"available for puchase in the US, either officially unlocked from Palm or via AT&T (let's hope and pray that AT&T will get it), whichever comes first."
At least we know that it's supposed to be released in the Fall! So keep guessing folks! Someone is definitely going to win one of those fine and sexy Treo Pros plus some goodies!
Let's refresh everyone's memory (with the updated rule of course) on how to win the Treo Pro and extras:
First, here's what's up for the winning:
How to Enter
Register and post a reply to this post in this TreoCentral thread, guessing the exact date (just the date, not the time) the Treo Pro will be available for puchase in the US, either officially unlocked from Palm or via AT&T (let's at least hope and pray that AT&T will get it), whichever comes first. You can guess as many times as you'd like, but only your most recent guess in the contest thread will count as your entry.
More Rules
- One entry per person (i.e. your most recent guess) Also, although you can guess as often as you like, your guess must be at least 2 weeks away from the date you're posting (ex. if you post on September 1st, your guess cannot be before September 14th).
- Contest will end at midnight the day before an official date is announced by either Palm.
- Not open to employees or contractors of Smartphone Experts (sorry to our writers and mods!) (no cheaters!)
- Contest open to US residents only.
- We'll pick the winner randomly from all the posts that get it right or, if none do, from the posts that get closest (assuming there's more than one). “Closest” can be before or after.
Head on over to our forums and enter!