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What's in a Name?
A post by Zealot on got into the topic of "Superphones."
Mentioned was how Rob Glazer likes the term Superphone so much that he is hosting a mobile investing panel during MobileBeat 2010 called "The Year of the Superphone."
What exactly is a Superphone? Please see the table below.
So, Superphones are much more powerful and extensible than any previous mobile platform. Plus they are super portable, always on, and intrinsically connected.
The active installed base of Superphones (i.e. iPhone/iPod Touch and Android), is in the 100 million device range with hockey stick-like growth projected.
It will be interesting to see if this "Superphone" name sticks. You'll recall that other attempts to name this type of category, everything from Mobile Internet Devices (MID) to PocketPC, has come and gone. And as Zealot pointed out, calling these devices, phones is like "insisting that a Food Processor is a Blender."
To learn more about MobileBeat 2010, a 2-Day conference which is being held in San Francisco July 12-13, go here.