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App Trends: Games & Weather Most Popular
A Nielsen study released Monday in connection with the AppNation conference in San Francisco, talked about mobile app usage -- pointing to some interesting findings:
>> Android users are more likely to click on ads within apps than people using other mobile operating systems. One-third of Android users have clicked on an in-app ad compared to 29% for those with Windows Mobile, Apple's iOS, 26%, Palm, 22%, BlackBerry, 15%, and other types of operating systems, 24%. It was suggested the higher click-through rate for Android-based ads may stem from the Google platform attracting a younger audience that is more receptive to mobile ads. Android's less affluent users also show a decided preference for free apps.
>> Among broad categories, games remain the most popular apps among both smartphone and feature phone users -- at 61% and 52%, respectively, followed by weather apps.
>> While apps generally find a higher proportion of uptake on smartphones than on regular phones, the difference is especially pronounced in certain categories like maps and navigation "where more computing power, larger screens and touch interfaces deliver a more satisfying experience.
>> Reviews are useful: Nielsen also found that ratings and reviews are useful in deciding what titles to select: 18% of all downloaders say these tools are "extremely important," 36% say they're "very important," and 34% say "somewhat important." "Those seeking to market mobile apps would be well-advised to emphasize two tactics: Word-of-mouth marketing (including social media) and securing favorable ratings and reviews," stated the report.