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Trend: Coupons Rule!
Earlier this month, the results of a global survey by Accenture on mobile devices and shopping was released.
Some of the findings included:
> Smartphone users would find it useful to download money-off coupons to their phones (79 percent).
> They'd like to receive instant money-off coupons as they pass by an item in a store (73 percent).
> Conversely, fewer than half (48 percent) of smartphone users have downloaded a coupon from their PCs.
The survey results highlight how the growing use of smartphone technology and the economic downturn have encouraged cost-conscious consumers to explore alternative retail channels, such as online and smartphones, to secure bargains.
Janet Hoffman, managing director of Accenture's Retail practice said, "Today's tech-savvy consumer wants a seamless shopping experience across store, mobile or online at a time that suits them. Ultimately, this trend will lead to a new definition of the store; purpose, place and size are all up for debate. Already we are seeing some shoppers treating stores more like a showroom to test products and then making their purchase online."
A story at included some charts with interesting data.
The survey was programmed and hosted online by Lightspeed Research and designed to obtain interviews with 100 respondents in ten markets (U.S., France, Spain, Italy, U.K., Germany, Brazil, Japan, China and India).
To qualify for the survey, respondents needed to have home access to the Internet through a computer or netbook and carry a mobile phone or smartphone with them when they leave home.
Source: Accenture