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The Treo vs. RIM
I admit, I laugh inside my head whenever I see somebody talking into one of the RIM Blackberry cell phone email gadgets. I guess you could say that I have been spoiled by the form of the Treo 600 - the design of the RIM Blackberry was just never made to be used as a phone. But Brighthand has an interesting editorial about RIM, and how it becomes easy to forget how big they really are. This last quarter, for example, RIM sold more than three times as many blackberries as PalmOne sold Treos. The editorial that Ed Hardy wrote is a good overview acknowledging that competition to both the Treo and other smartphones still exists and is worth reading. I've included an excerpt below.
"Ironically, in the future, the BlackBerry line's biggest competitors will probably also run the BlackBerry service.
The BlackBerry email service has acquired a strong reputation in corporate America for being the best available. RIM is happy to license its software to other companies, and an increasing number of handhelds and smartphones offer it now or will in the future, including ones from palmOne and HP.
It's possible RIM will give up making hardware and become a software-only company someday, but this won't happen anytime soon. Last quarter, 68 percent of its revenues came from selling handhelds, while just 9 percent came from licensing its software."